White Dove Global™

White Dove Global Marketing, Ltd. is a leading the marketing and distributor for revolutionary health and wellness technologies; including but not limited to medical Quantum Biofeedback Systems, In Light Wellness Systems and more.  We love supporting our clients through the entire discovery, purchase, placement and support processes while also providing educational training in the successful integration of our cutting edge technologies.

White Dove Global™

White Dove Global Marketing, Ltd. is a leading the marketing and distributor for revolutionary health and wellness technologies; including but not limited to medical Quantum Biofeedback Systems, In Light Wellness Systems and more.  We love supporting our clients through the entire discovery, purchase, placement and support processes while also providing educational training in the successful integration of our cutting edge technologies.

  • QUEX ED with Eductor Trade-In


    Prices will vary every week depending on the Euro exchange rate.

  • Sale!

    QUEX-ED™ Biofeedback System – Platinum Package

    Original price was: $31,191.00.Current price is: $25,995.00.
    The QUEX-ED Biofeedback System Platinum Package provides you with everything you need to implement your system into your personal and professional life.
    • This Platinum Package includes the Device and the Full OMNIS Software Suite (Not including the SENSO Beauty Software)
    • Professional Laptop Included and Custom configured with White Dove’s “White Glove” Service.
    • Full Certification Included provided by The Quantum Results Institute.
    • Technical & Navigational Support Included
    • Fill out the Inquiry Form today – We guarantee the best value with the best support with integrity.


  • Going Virtual 1 - 1 Day Training

    GOING Virtual 2022 Conference – RECORDING


    Welcome to the event page for the ‘GOING VIRTUAL’ – Increase your business and influence by staying ahead in today’s environment! Note: This seminar is jam packed with valuable wisdom. Don’t…

  • OMNIS Biofeedback Software Install and Set-up


    Congratulations on your decision to update to the latest OMNIS Biofeedback Software with White Dove Global.

    Our goal is to deliver efficient service and support minimizing your downtime from your practice.

    On average, this service will require a 1.5 to 3 Hour session. The technical service fee is 249.00.

    Note: This service does not include the 100.00 Euro Activation fee. If you have upgraded and paid for the EDUCTOR64 (3-3-2018) version from January 2020 on, you will receive the OMNIS activation at no cost. If you already have an active OMNIS Software Activation on another computer then this will not be a needed additional charge.


  • OMNIS Manual for QUEX ED, EDUCTOR, QUEX S – SCIO by Penny Fox N.D.

  • SENSO – Beauty Software


    The S-ENSO Beauty Rejuvenation was designed to facilitate a deep relaxation process using subtle vibrational repatterning possibilities of QUEX Systems. Being conscious of those patterns is fundamental in being empowered to make changes in our lives. Real beauty comes from within and when we feel good about ourselves, we radiate that beauty outward.

    By learning to let go of the thought patterns and beliefs that are so entrenched in us through our daily environment and upbringing we begin to retrain new healthy thought patterns. The S-ENSO uses guided imagery and carefully orchestrated compositions sounding the lost solfeggio tones to support meditative states.

    This leading-edge technology is the first of its kind to work with relaxing the muscles which cause facial lines, wrinkles, and unhealthy patterns of holding while also addressing internal belief systems which create stress and tension.

  • Building Resilience 2021 Conference – Helena, MT – RECORDING


    FOR EXISTING ATTENDEES – PLEASE LOGIN HERE – https://whitedoveglobal.events.whova.com/sign_in/ 1 Ticket to the 2021 Quantum Results Conference – Helena, MT “Building Resilience in Health” After you Purchase the ticket you…

  • Homeo-Therapeutic Coach Course


    Welcome to White Dove Healing Art’s Homeo-Therapeutic Coach Course!

    Learn how to safely, effectively and legally suggest remedies to clients/patients that are FDA classified. We are confident from experience that with the completion of this course, your thorough understanding of “professional use only” Complex-Homeopathy and it’s collection of benefits will maximize your client/patient session results! 

  • 17.3″ Laptop Package – Plus Quantum Results Biofeedback Training

    Get your New Dell Inspiron Convertible 2-in-1 Laptop  Plus Quantum Results Training!
    This combination is perfect for your SCIO, INDIGO and EDUCTOR Biofeedback Systems: Gain speed, efficiency and trust with this Dell Inspiron 17 notebook. The NVIDIA GeForce MX250 graphics card delivers clear, crisp visuals on the 17.3-inch Full HD touchscreen, while an Intel Core i7 processor and 16GB of DDR4 RAM handle rapid multitasking. This Dell Inspiron 17 notebook has a 512GB solid-state drive for vast storage and prompt data access.
    Note: This laptop includes all pre-configurations of Windows 10, removal of junk apps and software and the latest EDUCTOR64 Software installed. Activation sold separately direct from QXSUBSPACE for 100.00 Euro (biofeedback developer). This package also included all technical support fees/time related to setting up your computer and activating the software with your device.
  • Sale!

    SCIO Biofeedback System – Pre-Owned

    Original price was: $14,999.00.Current price is: $12,750.00.

    This Package provides you the essential elements to successfully implement powerful stress reduction services into your practice.

    • Make your deposit today and lock in this amazing deal. 
    • All transfer of Ownership Fees are included.
    • 2008 SCIO Biofeedback System (Pre-Owned)
    • NEW – Professional 16″ Laptop Computer w/ Configuration included.
    • 1 year technical support included.
    • 1 year DEVICE WARRANTY – All parts and labor for hardware included.
    • OMNIS Manual for QUEX ED, EDUCTOR, QUEX S – SCIO by Penny Fox N.D.
    • Full Certification provided by The Quantum Results Institute included.

    *Please note: The photo depicted here is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the exact appearance of the Certified Pre-owned system. Actual products may have slight wear and tear due to their pre-owned nature.

  • PRAYER – The Prayer Wheel Software


    The Prayer Wheel brings the ancient Tibetan philosophy into today’s world. A software that runs 24/7, with options of adding your own prayers and Mantras as well as create group sessions and assign your own personalized affirmations.

  • ANTIS – Anti-Smoking Software


    The AntiSmoking program, one of the most effective tools in reducing the stress associated to quitting smoking!

    The Anti-Smoking program has been designed to work with the SCIO, INDIGO and EDUCTOR systems and is designed to help relieve the habit of smoking and support those who wish to quit. It uses a set of specific frequencies sent via the head and limb electrodes that help the body retrain and reeducate the stress response and addictive nature of nicotine and smoking.

  • Sale!

    EDUCTOR Biofeedback System – Pre-Owned

    Original price was: $18,995.00.Current price is: $16,995.00.

    This Package provides you the essential elements to successfully implement powerful stress reduction services into your practice.

    • Make your deposit today and lock in this amazing deal. 
    • All transfer of Ownership Fees are included.
    • 1 year technical support included.
    • Computer is Included. The 17.3″ professional computer will include full configuration and set up with the latest EDUCTOR64 Software installed and activated with the capacity to install the latest OMNIS Software too.
    • Full Certified Biofeedback Specialist training is included.

    White Dove Global Marketing is an official sales representative for QXWorld | QXSUBSPACE. If you have any questions about this purchase, please call us at 248-242-4290.

    *Please note: The photo depicted here is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the exact appearance of the Certified Pre-owned system. Actual products may have slight wear and tear due to their pre-owned nature.

  • Computer Basic Technical Support (59.00 per 30min)


    Note: The majority of technical support matters can typically be addressed within the allocated 30-minute timeframe. Any additional minutes beyond this will result in a $2 charge per minute.

    This purchase covers personal technical support service via remote online access through TeamViewer screen sharing.

    *NOTE – This service fee does NOT include any software activation fees related to your biofeedback software or any other installed software on your computer.

  • QUEX ED with SCIO SERIAL Trade-in


    Prices will vary every week depending on the Euro exchange rate.

  • QUEX ED with SCIO USB Trade-in


    Prices will vary every week depending on the Euro exchange rate.