The Power of the Self-Portrait

The Power of the Self-Portrait

Create, Share and Explore with our Quantum Family Last week on The Friday Focus, White Dove Global CEO Jake Cunningham sparked a great conversation about the power of biofeedback in supporting mental health. During the discussion, Art Therapy came up—specifically using Self Portraits as a transformative way for clients to reflect, learn, grow, and heal…....

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Mind Shift
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Mind Shift

Supporting Mental Health through Innovation and Self-Discovery In this week’s Friday Focus, White Dove Global’s CEO and Founder shared valuable insights and opened an important dialogue on mental health, highlighting how our cutting-edge technology can play a crucial role in supporting well-being. Participants are encouraged to engage in a special self-portrait exercise, designed to foster…...

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Timeless Wisdom: Bridging the Past with Today

Timeless Wisdom: Bridging the Past with Today

William “Bill” Cunningham shares his in-depth expertise about Quantum Biofeedback technology and how it impacts us as practitioners and clients. Also, don’t miss out on the resources below! Resources: Webinar Chat: 11:01:50 From Brent Musselman : Good morning with Love & Light Everyone! 11:07:59 From PATRICIA BEERS : How big od a usb do we need?11:08:12…...

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Freestyle Friday
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Freestyle Friday

Enjoy this freestyle Friday where Brent show us how to backup client files on your device, we take a look at Tesla Medicine: The Universal Fluid movie, Biofeedback Specialist certification details, and more. You’ll want to check it all out below!...

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Mastering Business on the Go (Part 3)
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Mastering Business on the Go (Part 3)

Best Practices for Success Running a business can be overwhelming due to the complex decision-making required for success. In this final session of Stephanie Smith’s three part business building series she aims to simplify these challenges and instill confidence and hope. Running a business can be daunting. Using our tools and knowledge to help people…...

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July InLight Webinar Replay & Specials

July InLight Webinar Replay & Specials

Check out this month’s InLight Presentation and learn how this amazing technology can make a difference in YOUR life and the lives of those around you! Why Choose Inlight Therapy? New customers ONLY:  Watch this webinar and qualify for a 5% off any 6 Port System.  Discount code: lightwebinar5 Returning customers:  Receive 10% off ALL pads. Discount code: …

Your Independence Story
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Your Independence Story

Your Indepence Story Hear about how others in the industry came to where they are today in their career and what they left behind. As we celebrate Independence Day, we want to celebrate the unique journeys of those who have bravely transitioned from corporate life or other career paths to follow their passions and create…...

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Harnessing Ancestral Wisdom

Harnessing Ancestral Wisdom

Harnessing Ancestral Wisdom with Quantum Technology and the Pure Wave Cell Presented by Brent Knudsen and Jake Cunningham Brent Knudsen and our very own Jake Cunningham discuss the intersection of ancient wisdom and modern quantum technology, real-world applications and success stories of quantum frequency healing, and future implications and innovations in health and environmental sustainability…....

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