Cellular Enzymes w/ Carol Wilcock
Check out this exclusive mini training on Cellular Enzymes with our Quantum Results Instructor Carol Wilcock from Dynamic Health Technologies....
Check out this exclusive mini training on Cellular Enzymes with our Quantum Results Instructor Carol Wilcock from Dynamic Health Technologies....
Please enjoy some highlights from our game changing new Training platform called Quantum Results. Quantum Results is a video and live support training produced to hekp you successfully get results with your biofeedback systems. Listen and witness a little from the training and learn how to better address stress of the heart. *For more information…...
Tune in as Jake and Carol Wilcock update you on some exciting new things coming down the pipe live from the Budapest World Biofeedback Conference this fall 2019....
Do you need clarity when interpreting the nutrition and allergy panel(s)? When is the system showing deficiency vs. excess? Join Jake Cunningham and Carol Wilcock as they discuss (and show) how to better understand these sometimes confusing elements within the software....
Join Special Guest Carol Wilcock (Dynamic Health Technologies) as she demonstrates some very insightful and practical navigation processes gained over the years. Carol demonstrated with us how she has incorporated many different teachings from many different mentors and instructors over the past 16 years she has been practicing with the Biofeedback technology. Carol specifically integrated…...
This is amazing. Period. Learn more and join us at www.quantum-results.com Tune in here and learn from one of the best in the business....
Happy Friday FOCUS! Jake Cunningham welcomes to you to join in each Friday as our community comes together to share, learn and grow. This week Jake shares a short (yet profound) instructional lesson from Carol Wilcock’s game changing video series named Quantum Results. In this lesson she shares how to use the software for your…...
Please tune in and watch, listen and learn from Carol as she opens up the line for this dynamic Q and A session. Here are a some highlights of FOCUS! Session: Animal Programs: where to go when working on animals Risk Profile/Minerals - How do you know if someone Working with bone spurs...
Dear Members! We are honored and excited to announce the new QUANTUM RESULTS – Biofeedback Navigation Training featuring Expert Quantum Biofeedback Practitioner & Instructor Carol Wilcock, RN, MSN, QBI, DsAM is now available! This one of a kind Quantum Biofeedback video training series is designed for both the new practitioner and seasoned professional looking to take their understanding and practice to the next…