Q & A Session 7-27-2015 – Bill C. – Restoratives
Q & A Session 7-27-2015 Dr. Bill Cunningham on Restoratives Note: Content begins at 10:30 into the video. Enjoy!…
Q & A Session 7-27-2015 Dr. Bill Cunningham on Restoratives Note: Content begins at 10:30 into the video. Enjoy!…
Q & A Session 1-13-2014...
Q & A Session 8-17-2015 Webinar with Dr. Bill Cunningham and Prof. Desire Dubounet on red test box. Catalog continues at 1:30 with Oriental Formulas...
Q & A Session 10-03-2014...
The HTC Coach course is presented as a 60 hour audio and book learning series. The course is a fascinating basic revelation of modern, complex homeopathy with classical singular homeopathy as a jumping off point into the quantum world of the art and practice of homeopathy. Homeopathy’s 200-year history is reviewed and the specific people…...
William “Bill” Cunningham shares his in-depth expertise about Quantum Biofeedback technology and how it impacts us as practitioners and clients. Also, don’t miss out on the resources below! Resources: Webinar Chat: 11:01:50 From Brent Musselman : Good morning with Love & Light Everyone! 11:07:59 From PATRICIA BEERS : How big od a usb do we need?11:08:12…...
Q & A Session 2-24-2014...