New QUANTUM RESULTS Navigation Training w/ Carol Wilcock

Dear White Dove Training Members!

Check out the latest Biofeedback Navigation Training!

We are honored and excited to announce the new QUANTUM RESULTS – Biofeedback Navigation Training featuring Expert Quantum Biofeedback Practitioner & Instructor Carol Wilcock, RN, MSN, QBI, DsAM is now available!

As an Exclusive Member here at White Dove Training, you will receive a 25% off your QUANTUM RESULTS!

Use Promo Code: 25OFF

If you are ready to boost your confidence within your sessions and up-level your interpretation of software, this video training course is made for you.

If you are craving quality high def video software navigation instruction from a qualified and proven expert practitioner and teacher, then QUANTUM RESULTS is designed for you.

From basic navigation review to specific advanced topics focusing on how to manage today’s popular health and stress conditions, Carol Wilcock brings it home!

Here is what Dr. Jeff Haskel wrote about the course.

“All I can say is Wow.  It’s the instructional video that should come with the EDUCTOR or SCIO.  Carol cuts through all the fluff and gets down to the most important steps and flow on how to find the key issue causing your patient/clients health problem.  I could have spent years going through other instructional videos/training pushing lots of buttons and running lots of programs without ever really getting to what is causing my patient’s problem.  Carol teaches exactly how to find the key organs that are involved and what toxins, infections and stressors are causing dis-ease in those organs leading to the patients symptoms.  She also recommends the key additional programs that she has found to be most helpful in her experience.

In a matter of a few weeks, I feel a level of confidence in my testing and interpretation I would never have imagined.  My patient outcomes have improved as I have used Carol’s protocol and flow.   If you are a medical professional, her professional videos were gold.  But there is no question everyone would gain from them.  Her long term experience combines with her medical background to create a protocol to work up any patient regardless of what they come in with.  Even though I was comfortable with the basics of operating the machine, I watched each one of Carol’s beginning videos and learned helpful hints and clinical pearls.
I think the most exciting part of her video series if that it takes a beginner to a level of competency that would never happen in just a few weeks while offering clinical pearls to the most seasoned practitioner.   I rate her series a 10/10 and look forward to the release of more in the future.”
Dr. Jeff.Haskel
Chiropractic Physician
Certified Nutritional Specialist
Certified Biofeedback Specialist

Check it out here and let me know what you think! –

FYI – This training will support you no matter what background, device model or previous training you have acquired. Check it out and let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you.

In health and abundance,

Jake Cunningham

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