Sense Harmony & Achieve Balance

Part 2: Unlocking the World Through Your Eyes

We will explore the power of perception and its impact on our daily lives. Our vision is our primary interface with the world around us. Carol Wilcock will provide practical navigation techniques within your biofeedback software to benefit you and your clients.

June 28th at

[8am PST, 9am MST, 10AM CST, 11am EST]

Presented by:

Carol Wilcock


Carol Wilcock is a distinguished expert in quantum biofeedback, currently serving as both a master practitioner and an instructor in this specialized field. Based in Montana, she is the owner of Dynamic Health Technologies, an institution renowned for its innovative approach to health and wellness. With a strong commitment to holistic care, Carol utilizes a variety of modalities to assist clients in achieving their health objectives. Her expertise and dedication have made her a respected figure in the realm of quantum biofeedback, where she continues to contribute significantly to holistic health practices.

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