

Tune in a review one of the most influential pieces within the quantum biofeedback software – Homotoxicology. Carol Wilcock reviews with you how she uses this program and gives you tips on how you can get better results. For more information on Carol and her Quantum Results Biofeedback Training please visit...

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Coronavirus and Beyond -Immune Boosting – Prof. Desi – Jake Cunningham

Please listen to the latest update from our developer Prof Desi on the latest immune boosting information for this current state. This is an open recording available to all. Please share and save in your archive. To Order VirXC2020 Go to https://onlynatureknows.com/product/virx-c2020/ NOTE: Please write “Jake at White Dove sent you” in the “Additional Message…...

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Complex Homeopathy – Part 2

Complex Homeopathy – Part 2

Liquitrophic Remedies 31 Anodyne Remedies 35 Combination Remedies 37 Restorative Remedies 43 Pregnancy & Homeopathy 44 Oriental Herbal Remedies 45 Five Element Chart 48 Miasm Remedies 49 Psychological Remedies 51 Allersode Remedies 53 Homeopathic Immunization Program 55 Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements, Oligos & Miscellaneous 57 Test Kit 58 Recommended Supplementation 59 Test Kit Guide– Blue and…...

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Complex Homeopathy – Part 1

Complex Homeopathy – Part 1

Introduction About Homeopathy 9 Combination vs. Classical Homeopathy 11 Liquids vs. Solids 12 What is Homeopathy 13 Mechanisms of Homeopathic Information Transfer 14 The Significance of Homeopathy 15 The Advantages of Combination Homeopathic Therapy 15 Ways In Which Combination Remedies Are Used 16 Understanding Homeopathic Potencies 18 Quality Control 19 Disclaimer 20 Dangers of Homeopathic…...

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2020 Visions – Live with Prof. Desi and Jake C – Staying Health – CoronaVirus Discussion

Tune into this very valuable discussion with the developer of our Quantum biofeedback Technology prof. Desire and White Dove Global CEO and Founder Jake Cunningham. Note: Jake filled in for his father Dr. William J Cunningham this month. Here are some of the highlights and talking points. To put the coronavirus stats into perspective, the…...

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Heart and Homotoxicology

Heart and Homotoxicology

Happy Valentines Day! Join Jake and Carol as they share a quick tip on imporving the health by reducing the stress of the heart. For more information about carol Wilcock and her training program, please schedule a time with Jake Cunningham to discuss if it is right for you....

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How to Demo the Biofeedback

How to Demo the Biofeedback

Within your process of sharing what you do and how you do it, demoing your biofeedback system plays an important role. Whether it is for potential new clients/patients wanting to see if this service is right for them and their family or when sharing in a public forum at a professional speaking event. Having practice…...

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Corona Virus – Staying Healthy

Corona Virus – Staying Healthy

Please take some time to review this very important clip from our developer. This covers some key ways to keep healthy and strong for yourself and for your client’s/patients. Note: Although this has been revised and is originally based of the Ebola Virus outbreak a few years ago, many of the same principles apply today…....

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Behind the Scenes – Palm Beach Training

Behind the Scenes – Palm Beach Training

On Jan 17th thru the 19th, in beautiful palm Beach, FL – 25 Students came together and learned from Carol Wilcock as we recorded 20 Plus hours of content for the Quantum Results Biofeedback Navigation Training program. We are turning the Quantum Results training into a one of a kind fast track certification for professionals…...

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