Sense Harmony & Achieve Balance (Part 5)
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Sense Harmony & Achieve Balance (Part 5)

Touch & Our Sixth Sense Carol Wilcock takes us through exploring our body’s incredible sense of touch and introduces an equally important sense that plays a vital role in how we experience the world. She will delve into the wonders of our tactile system and reveal how this sixth sense influences both our physical awareness…...

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Mind Shift
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Mind Shift

Supporting Mental Health through Innovation and Self-Discovery In this week’s Friday Focus, White Dove Global’s CEO and Founder shared valuable insights and opened an important dialogue on mental health, highlighting how our cutting-edge technology can play a crucial role in supporting well-being. Participants are encouraged to engage in a special self-portrait exercise, designed to foster…...

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Timeless Wisdom: Bridging the Past with Today

Timeless Wisdom: Bridging the Past with Today

William “Bill” Cunningham shares his in-depth expertise about Quantum Biofeedback technology and how it impacts us as practitioners and clients. Also, don’t miss out on the resources below! Resources: Webinar Chat: 11:01:50 From Brent Musselman : Good morning with Love & Light Everyone! 11:07:59 From PATRICIA BEERS : How big od a usb do we need?11:08:12…...

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Conference Chronicles: The Healing Circle and Our Connections

Conference Chronicles: The Healing Circle and Our Connections

Check out another upcoming event at Foxhollow Farms that will enlighten you with a spiritual deep dive. We also discuss about the personal connection that each practitioner makes with their own system and the impact it can have on clients and us. Lastly, we recap the American Naturopathic Medical Association Conference and share stories with…...

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Sense Harmony & Achieve Balance (Part 4)
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Sense Harmony & Achieve Balance (Part 4)

Taste & Smell During this Friday FOCUS! We explored the deep connection between taste and smell, and how these senses are intertwined with our memories and emotions. Presented by: Carol Wilcock RN, QBI Carol Wilcock is a distinguished expert in quantum biofeedback, currently serving as both a master practitioner and an instructor in this specialized…...

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Freestyle Friday
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Freestyle Friday

Enjoy this freestyle Friday where Brent show us how to backup client files on your device, we take a look at Tesla Medicine: The Universal Fluid movie, Biofeedback Specialist certification details, and more. You’ll want to check it all out below!...

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Sense Harmony & Achieve Balance (Part 3)
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Sense Harmony & Achieve Balance (Part 3)

The Echoes of Life Our hearing is one of our most vital senses. It begins developing early in utero, allowing us to recognize our parents’ and family’s voices before we can see. Hearing is also one of the last senses to fade and can remain active while we sleep, under anesthesia, or even in a…...

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Breath is Life
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Breath is Life

How Conscious Use of Breath Can Amplify the Quantum Biofeedback Experience Bethel will share how consciously using breath can quickly and effectively regulate the nervous system. She will delve into the specific effects of various breathing patterns and provide simple exercises and techniques that can be shared with clients. Additionally, Bethel will highlight key areas…...

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Sense Harmony & Achieve Balance Part 2
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Sense Harmony & Achieve Balance Part 2

Sense Harmony & Achieve Balance Part 2: Unlocking the World Through Your Eyes Come explore the power of perception and its impact on our daily lives. Our vision is our primary interface with the world around us. Carol Wilcock shares practical navigation techniques within your biofeedback software to benefit you and your clients. Presented by:…...

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