SCIO | EDUCTOR Rubber/Velcro® Limb Straps


These high quality  BioTrode™  limb straps are designed for both the SCIO and/or EDUCTOR Biofeedback devices.

The package includes:

(Set of 4) -1”W x 15”L BioTrode™ Quick Release set of straps designed to work with the BioTrode™ Leads


These Limb Straps are made with highly conductive BioTrode™ Rubber electrodes that lie against the skin. An internal woven wire runs the full length maintaining balance throughout the entire electrode for more balanced and consistent surface area performance.  Set of four – 1”W x 15”L straps may be overlapped on the limb to provide broad surface area coverage of frequencies. Wider and longer straps mean one size fits all!

Our straps are fully lined with soft Velcro® loop that runs the entire length allowing for easier adjustments and faster connection time.

Velcro® hook tabs are on the end. The “Quick Release” connect/disconnect magnetic clasp never touches the skin so you have no metal touching your client! “Quick Release” makes it easy to disconnect your client should they need a break during the session and again; provides breakaway security from the Limb Wires to prevent tugging and/or possible damage to equipment.


BioTrode™ Technologies

BioTrode™ Technologies designed and manufactures World Class Harness Systems & Accessories Designed for the SCIO, INDIGO and EDUCTOR User.
BioTrode™ Technologies


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