iNDIGO Copper Plate ICP

$99.00 Plus Shipping

We can mount a 4” x 4” Copper Test Tray on any Indigo.

Q: In your last visit to Mexico City during tHe training you commented that the Indigo Plate does not transmit (don’t know how to say it) only in the circle in the i. And that we need to use something with metal in order to charge water or something else.
Can you please explain to me how to do this? And if I understood you correctly?

A: yes, whatever touches the Indigo plate should be on the white area of the tray so that it receives the conductivity; the blue area is anodized and non conductive. You can make this area of conductivity larger by placing another metal, such as a surgical steel or copper plate, over the entire tray (touching the white) to increase the area of transmission.

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BioTrode™ Technologies

BioTrode™ Technologies designed and manufactures World Class Harness Systems & Accessories Designed for the SCIO, INDIGO and EDUCTOR User.
BioTrode™ Technologies


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