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[kleo_gap size=”40px”][kleo_grid animation=”yes”][kleo_feature_item icon=”users-1″ icon_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.75)”]Connect with awesome new people in the newest playground of musicians and various other type of artists. Find new talents or meet your favourites.[/kleo_feature_item][kleo_feature_item icon=”megaphone-1″ icon_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.75)”]Keep track of all events near you and see what events your friends are attending. You can easily buy tickets online and reserve your spot at your favourite events.[/kleo_feature_item][kleo_feature_item icon=”lock” icon_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.75)”]Extremely secure, you are always the one who decides what you do with your data, you can completely delete your account at any point, without any restrictions.[/kleo_feature_item][/kleo_grid]
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[/kleo_magic_container]Connect with friends and people from around the world. Our service is free of charge and we promise we’ll never sell your data, your privacy is extremely important for us.